A Java library (wrapper/binding) for Ollama server.
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io.github.ollama4j.tools.annotations.OllamaToolService Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

Class<?>[] providers ()

Detailed Description

Annotates a class that calls io.github.ollama4j.OllamaAPI such that the Method OllamaAPI#registerAnnotatedTools() can be used to auto-register all provided classes (resp. all contained Methods of the provider classes annotated with ToolSpec).

Definition at line 17 of file OllamaToolService.java.

Member Function Documentation

◆ providers()

Class<?>[] io.github.ollama4j.tools.annotations.OllamaToolService.providers ( )
Classes with no-arg constructor that will be used for tool-registration.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: